Embodying the 12 Steps: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation for Freedom from Addiction

addiction meditation kundalini

To do this, you must raise your Kundalini energy. This is something that is done in every style of yoga practice. It doesn’t matter if it’s Hatha, Vinyasa, Shakti, Raja, Ashtanga, addiction meditation kundalini etc. Techniques are similar in raising the Kundalini, which allows us to be in our higher seat of consciousness. That is where our power lies against addiction.

Possible Kundalini Meditation Risks

addiction meditation kundalini

We often think the “rock bottom” drug addicts and alcoholics are in need of real help. The thing is, there are plenty of addicts who fall under the radar all the time. There are people addicted to health if you can believe it.

Research on Kundalini Meditation

Actually, I believe that everyone is driven by the desire to feel good. We just need to make this desire conscious and learn to choose habits and behaviors that make total well-being possible. Maybe the core issue is not food or addictions. Maybe https://ecosoberhouse.com/ the core issue is our own security, our own self-love, and our dedicated commitment to living our own unique lives. For self-love to be real, we have to enjoy being in our bodies. This is of course a progressive process that takes time.

What Is Kundalini Meditation?

Additionally, rather than providing instant relief, enlightenment, or “uncoiling,” proponents say that perseverance and consistent practice is needed to achieve optimal benefits. Sit in Easy Pose with your arms crossed, holding opposite shoulders. Begin squeezing your entire body as you breathe.

  • The third step is to figure how we can satisfy these needs, without hurting ourselves, but instead by promoting our health and happiness.
  • “You are wrong,” he tells you, “There is no banquet at my feet.” You are looking at a spread of incredible fruits and nuts, bread and cheeses.
  • We can then heal and continue our evolution towards personal freedom.
  • This circular energy resembles that of a sleeping and calm coiled snake.

Burned Out? Try this Quick Kundalini Meditation for Brain Drain

addiction meditation kundalini

This supportsone to move from recovery to self-discovery. The system combines core technologies of Kundalini Yoga,meditation, breathing, nutrition restoration with specific therapeutic juices, vitamins and herbs. As you are practicing your breathing and chanting, focus on how your breath is moving through your body and helping you to relax.

addiction meditation kundalini

Lesson 12 – Breaking Addictions

  • Kundalini sessions focus on pranayama or breathing exercises.
  • Focus on your navel point and listen to Naad, Blessing by Sangeet Kaur.
  • (Set a timer so you’ll know when to stop.) Complete the mediation by inhaling deeply, pushing your palms together or raising your arms in the air, and then relaxing and exhaling.
  • If a person isn’t fully prepared for the experience, some people claim they may experience long-term negative effects.

It could change your life and be a key to dealing with eating disorders and weight. When was the last time you really thought about what you were doing when you reached for coffee in the morning, the candy jar at work, or your smartphone to check your email? We all run through thousands of habitual behaviors like these a day.

  • If we are willing, we will over time experience inner power and peace.
  • Maybe the core issue is our own security, our own self-love, and our dedicated commitment to living our own unique lives.
  • The subconscious is a part of the mind we aren’t always aware of.

Leave your index and middle fingers pointing straight up. To end, inhale and hold your breath, relaxing your mouth. Gently swing your arms from side to side in rhythm with your breath and the music. Set up your mudra by placing your right arm up with your right elbow and forearm on the same plane as your shoulder.

Choose When to Practice

Whenever your mind starts to wander, consciously return your focus back to your breath and mantra. The process of releasing this energy creates a communication system between the mind and body. Through practice, Kundalini meditation can cleanse the mind and rejuvenate the body while balancing your chakras. The ego is kind of like a child in our brain while the higher self is the all-knowing adult. To sit in this part of our mind gives us a greater ability to see the underlying feeling that causes the compulsions. Exploring the feeling of a trigger when it surprises us instead of reacting to it allows us to change our behaviors.

  • You explain to him that he does not need to beg for food, that he only needs to reach out and partake in the blessings at his feet.
  • From a young age, we are trained in our own powerlessness and spend the rest of our lives trying to find and express our power.
  • Utilizing this knowledge in my real life came easily after figuring out that things are less painful when you can see them outside of the ego-mind.
  • It’s important that if you are suffering from addiction to get assistance from as many angles as possible.

The result is a constant tension and continual blocking of our internal source of power. This is the area where our digestion and elimination is regulated. When we create stress by holding in our stomachs and have a negative attitude toward this part of our body, we interfere with our normal biological functioning. There are MANY things going on in our body that we can connect with if we tune into and are present to our energy. The second chakra, which is located in the lower abdominal area, is where much of our additive and “food” issues reside.

addiction meditation kundalini